BTFS Karnataka
Biotechnology Finishing Schools (BTFS Karnataka) was established in 2010 through The Millennium Biotech Policy-II across the state with job-oriented course content and which equip graduates and postgraduates with necessary employable skills to make them job-ready for the employer.
Initially, BTFS was established in 12 institutions in 2010 for a period of five years (2011-2016). These 12 BTFS institutions in Karnataka have been offering job-oriented courses since 2011. Every year an entrance exam is conducted by name of Karnataka – Biotechnology Aptitude Test (K-BAT) for the selection of students at All India Level.
After completion of the five-year plan, Biotech Department took a decision to continue the program with the name of Biotechnology Skill Enhancement Programme (BiSEP). Then total numbers of institutions have become to 18 across the state and 50% of reservations have decided for Karnataka domiciled students.
Course offered by BTFS Karnataka
One year Diploma program (2 Semester)
- 1st Semester: focused hands-on training in one of the sub-domains of Biotechnology
- 2nd Semester: industry internship in a relevant Biotechnology company